
Cosmetic Dermatology Care

Stacey Lemire PA-C has more than 20 years of experience practicing Dermatology, more than 18 years as a cosmetic injector and more than 23 years as a Physician Assistant. She has dedicated herself to providing excellent care for each patient, she addresses your concerns and delivers the best, most natural result possible.

Laser Treatments

Skin revitalization, treatment of sun damage, brown spots, vascular markings and skin laxity, acne treatment, hair removal and body contouring.


Treatments reduce wrinkles and enhance facial features.

Micro-Needling and PRP

Skin remodeling with regeneration of collagen and elastin in the skin. Excellent treatment for wrinkles and acne scarring.

Sciton BBL Laser Treatment

Sciton® Broad Band Light™ (BBL) is an innovative, light-based technology that uses pulses of light energy to gently treat uneven skin texture, irregular areas of skin discoloration, vascular lesions, aging skin, acne and unwanted hair. Sciton® BBL™ can treat any area of the body, with the most common areas being the face, neck, chest, hands and arms. Treatment areas will be gently heated to stimulate collagen production and restore skin that will look and feel younger, smoother, and healthier.

True Dermatology is proud to offer Sciton’s latest technology, BBL HERO®. BBL HERO combines the world’s most powerful IPL (intense pulsed light) device with an advanced next-generation hand piece that is 4 times faster and 3 times more powerful than previous BBL devices. BBL HERO sets the gold standard for treating a variety of skin conditions on most areas of the body with no down time. With BBL HERO we can offer treatment of multiple skin conditions including acne, actinic keratoses, rosacea, sun spots, vascular lesions such as cherry angiomas. The Sciton Forever Young Protocol is the most effective non-ablative rejuvenating treatment of sun-damage and aging of the face available. Sciton BBL is non-invasive and painless with no downtime.

Speaking of, we at True Dermatology are now able to offer Sciton’s newest technology – MOXI non-ablative fractionated laser – the most effective non-ablative fractional approach to radiant skin! This progressive alternative to ablative lasers (lasers that burn several layers off the top of the skin) provides patients with the opportunity to attain excellent results without the recovery or downtime associated with more aggressive laser procedures.

MOXI was developed with active patients in mind; those who want to reverse evidence of sun damage and skin aging can now correct uneven
pigmentation and improve the overall texture and tone of their skin in under 30 minutes. Improvements can be seen after a single treatment, however, results will improve with several treatments depending on your cosmetic goals.

We love that MOXI allows us to revitalize skin for our patients, regardless of
the season, a person’s skin type, or age.

SkinTyte™ is an advanced laser procedure able to contour and tighten select areas such as the neck, backs of the arms, lower abdoman and thighs. Zero downtime; you can resume a normal routine right away. Expect some redness, tenderness, and swelling at the treatment site, this is temporary and subsides quickly.

Laser Hair Removal

Sciton® BBL™ laser hair removal delivers light and heat energy to hair follicles to impede future growth. BBL™ can treat multiple hair follicles at a time, minimizing treatment times. A series of treatments, spaced 4-8 weeks apart, is required for the best results.

What should I look for when choosing my provider?

You should look for;​

  • A provider that cares about your treatment outcome-every time.
  • A provider that is committed to providing a safe setting for treatment.
  • A provider that;
    • is persistent in participating in continuous skills and techniques training
    • regularly reviews literature/articles from the scientific community about new or advanced products/practices/procedures.
    • customizes treatments to YOU, rather than a fad or trend taking social media by storm.

Stacey Lemire PA-C has more than 20 years of experience practicing Dermatology, more than 18 years as a cosmetic injector, and more than 23 years as a Physician Assistant. She possesses extensive knowledge and has dedicated herself to providing excellent care for each patient. She addresses concerns and gives the best natural result possible.